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                                                             Success Story  
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Success Stories from Chougacha: Sohel Rana
Sohel Rana was a worried man. He had already lost 1 bigha of brinjal crop and he was having problems with the remainder 14 katha of brinjal. If he lost them as well, then things would be very difficult for his family this year. Sohel hails from the village of Palpara in Jessore district. He is 24 years old and he has been involved in farming for six years, ever since he finished his HSC examination. His father’s name is Md. Azaharul Islam, he was also a farmer. He has a brother, who has recently given his HSC examination. Sohel has been married for nearly 2 and half years. His wife’s name is Ripna; she stays at home takes care of the work in the homestead. Sohel says that his household expense is nearly Tk. 7500 per month and he covers this expense solely from the income generated from farming. He estimates that he has an income of over Tk. 140,000 per year
Why did he use the services of e-Krishok?
He came to the CIC to use the agricultural services of e-Krishok because he was worried about losing his entire brinjal crop this year. This year, he had already sustained a huge lose from losing 1 bigha of his brinjal crop and he could not afford to lose the rest. Hence, when he started having the same problem with the rest of his brinjal crop, he went to the used the services of e-Krishok to find a solution to his problem. He was advised to use a pesticide called Diathon M45 by the e-Krishok agricultural specialist. Once he had used the pesticide, the problem stopped spreading. He now expects to harvest over Tk. 50,000 worth of brinjal. Sohel Rana is very happy about this. He was initially expecting only half (Tk. 25,000) the amount this year because of the problem. With this windfall profit, Sohel Rana has repaired his home, and he was able to save the remainder in the hope of being able to add to his land holdings in the future. He is confident that if he continues to have similar results by using the agricultural services of e-Krishok, he will be able to do so in the near future.
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