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                                                             Success Story  
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Success story of Mr. Sukumar baroi
Mr. Sukumar baroi is an ideal farmer of Vimkathi village in Nazirpur upazilla under Pirozpur district. He is 70 years old and he is also an e-Krishok member. When he felt any agricultural related problem then he goes to Community Information Center (CIC) for its solution from agricultural specialist. He lives with his wife; they have three daughters and two sons. He owns about 18 bigha of land around homestead. He has a pond of 4 bigha area and two orchards like mango and kul. In this cropping season, he used 10 bigha for farming rice and 1 bigha for cauliflower. He has been involved in farming for about 50 years. His monthly income on an average Tk 20,000 and expense are about Tk 10,000. In this regards Mr. Baroi is able to earn around Tk 120,000 per year.
This year he also planted betel vine plant in 14 decimal lands. He hoped that he will be earned above Tk 100,000, but one day he found that, root of betel vine plant become rotten. Then he contacted with CIC for the solution regarding betel vine plant root disease. He was advised to use a fungicide named ‘Score 250 EC’ by agricultural specialist through Nzirpur CIC. Once he had used the fungicide, the problem nearly stopped spreading. For this disease he might have lost Tk 50,000. Now he able to earn around Tk 30,000 by applying suggested fungicide. Mr. Sukumar baroi is very excited about this. In past, when he had a similar problem than he would go to Sub-Assistant agricultural Officer/Pesticide and insecticide dealers for the solutions, but in most cases it would be able a lengthy process and some time success was not ensured. Now he is confident that in the future, he will be able to get even more benefit from this service and he is encouraging the other farmers in his area to use the agricultural service of e-Krishok from Nazirpur CIC.
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Disclaimer: এই ওয়েবসাইট-এ ব্যবহৃত সকল তথ্য সরকারী এবং সরকার কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত উৎস থেকে সংগৃহিত। এই সকল তথ্যের জন্য কোনো প্রকার দায় BIID কর্তৃপক্ষের নয়।