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                                                             Success Story  
Total Success Story:  36      Select:     
Palwal giving Huge Profits Through e-Krishok
Rezaul Islam had the look of a contented farmer. He had had a good palwal (locally known a ‘potol’) harvest. And he was now looking forward to the rest of the year with the optimism that only comes to those who are successful at what they do. Rezaul Islam is a farmer who hails from Belemath in the district of Jessore. He is 28 years old and he has been a farmer for the last 7 years. His father’s name is Khodabox; he was also a farmer. Rezaul has been married for 8 years, his wife’s name is Rina and they have a daughter. She is 5 years old and she goes to school. In a typical month, Rezaul says that his household expense is about Tk. 10,000. He meets all his expenses from the income generated from farming. He has a yearly income of about Tk. 180,000.
What had caused him to use the agricultural information and advisory services of e-Krishok? His palwal crop was becoming diseased. The leaves were turning red, and the palwal plant was dying from this disease. He had already lost nearly 20% of his palwal crop. If he did not find a solution to this disease, he would surely lose over 60-80% of his crop. Before Rezaul would go to the fertilizer store for information about the problem; but he was not happy with the results; so this time he decided to try something different and new. So he came to the local Community Information Centre to use the agricultural services of e-Krishok. Rezaul Islam was advised by the agricultural specialist of e-Krishok to use a medicine called Theobid. After he had used this medicine, he found that the disease stopped increasing and spreading to other plants. He harvested over 120 mons of palwal and from this he made a profit of Tk. 75,000. Rezaul says that if he had not used the agricultural services of e-Krishok, then he would not have made as much profit from his palwal harvest. He says that he would have made around only Tk. 40,000. With the increased profit, Rezaul has added a cow to his existing herd of 5 cows. In the future, he plans to add even more cattle as and when he is able to do so. Rezaul says that he is confident that if he continues to use the services of e-Krishok, then from his increased income, he will be benefiting even more in the future.
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